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Lead Awareness
Protecting public health is at the core of what we do at Louisville Water Company. Louisville’s drinking water is rated as some of the highest quality in the United States. Eliminating the risk of lead getting into drinking water is a shared responsibility between Louisville Water and you.
Louisville’s drinking water does not contain lead when it leaves our treatment plants. The risk for lead to enter the drinking water comes from corrosion of plumbing materials made with lead. This includes pipes buried in the ground, home plumbing, solder, and fixtures. Until 1950, it was common to install lead and galvanized steel service lines.
As part of ensuring excellent water quality, Louisville Water balances the water chemistry to minimize the risks of lead getting into the water if the water travels through a lead pipe.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates water quality with the Lead and Copper Rule and Louisville’s drinking water meets all EPA standards in this Rule.
Use the side navigation to learn more about lead and check our records for the water service line at your property. Find more detailed information on the overall water quality of Louisville’s drinking water in our Annual Water Quality Report.