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Contractor Prequalification
Louisville Water Company requires contractors to prequalify for eligibility to provide bids on construction projects and some services. Each construction bid requires bidders to be prequalified in one or more of over 40 possible categories.
The bidder may submit a bid up to, but not exceeding, the amount of the respective bidder’s monetary prequalification limit. Louisville Water reviews all prequalified contractors every two years, and each contractor must complete a reevaluation application when requested. Louisville Water reserves the right to reevaluate any contractor at any time.
Become a Louisville Water Prequalified Contractor.
Review the instructions below, complete, and submit the application.
Upgrade Categories or Bid Limit. (For existing prequalified contractors only.)
Reevaluation Application. (For existing prequalified contractors only.)
- Louisville Water Company will contact you to request this information.