Creating Opportunities for Women-owned Businesses

“Last year, we were number two in economic development and job creation in the whole country, and this year, we’re number three. There’s never been a time where Kentucky has been (in the) top five, two years in a row. We’re also number three in rural job creation,” Kentucky Lieutenant Governor Jacqueline Coleman shared with a captive audience at V-Soft Consulting earlier this month.

WBEC-ORV mixer

Louisville Water co-sponsored the networking event held at V-Soft for the Women’s Business Enterprise Council Ohio River Valley (WBEC ORV).

Louisville Water has been involved with WBEC ORV for many years and officially joined as a corporate member in 2021. It’s been a good resource to strengthen our company’s Small Business Equity Program (SBE).

“The connections from this organization to women owned businesses has been instrumental in our pursuit to find and work with these companies,” said Procurement Manager Carol Lyons. “The organization (WBEC ORV) does a great job at hosting quarterly events which showcases several businesses that have the possibility of being a good fit for Louisville Water.”

With a little over 100 SBE members, nearly half of those are certified women-owned businesses. In 2023, Louisville Water spent just under $734,000 with women-owned businesses for construction projects and professional goods and services.

Lt. Gov. Jacqueline ColemanLieutenant Governor Coleman accepted the challenge of reestablishing the Kentucky Commission on Women when she took office. She said the commission constantly looks to see where they are with pay equity, employment, and board appointments.

“We really seek to make sure that we are appointing people, that we are hiring people, that we are bringing people into the fold who represent the communities where they’re from, who look like Kentucky”, Coleman explained.

Louisville Water field crewIn much the same way, Louisville Water also strives to have a diverse pool of suppliers and contractors who are dedicated to delivering quality work. Apply to join our SBE program and work with us today!