Historic Water Main Improvement
In August 2021, Louisville Water Company began a one-year project near the Crescent Hill Water Treatment Plant to replace one of its oldest water mains and install additional pipes to deliver more drinking water. The Frankfort Avenue Main Replacement Project will increase the size and reliability of critical water mains near the treatment plant. This $16.6 million investment includes work on Frankfort, Stilz, and Reservoir Avenues.
This is a complex project in a busy, vibrant neighborhood. Detours and road closings, though inconvenient, are all part of installing large water mains in high-traffic areas. Residents and business owners will routinely be kept up to date as the work progresses.
Project Overview
Frankfort Avenue is Completely Open
Our work on and around Frankfort Avenue is almost done! This $17 million dollar project increased the size and reliability of critical water mains near the Crescent Hill Water Treatment Plant. By investing in our community’s infrastructure, we can ensure that nearly one million people continue to have access to high quality drinking water every day.
We’re also sprucing up the neighborhood near the plant. A new sidewalk on the north side of Frankfort Avenue provides a safe path along the railroad tracks for walkers and joggers. The sidewalk between Stilz and Reservoir Avenues has also been replaced and includes new tree wells. We’ll be planting 126 trees later this fall.
The Kentucky State Transportation Cabinet plans to repave Frankfort Avenue in the Spring of 2023. Once again, thanks for your patience as we worked to complete this important project.
A History of Innovation
Nearly a century and a half ago, installation of a new 36-inch diameter main, was part of a larger project that included plans to build the Crescent Hill Reservoir. The growing city needed better water pressure and fire protection.
With the installation of the water main in 1879 and the completion of the reservoir, Louisville Water became one of the first and largest businesses in the Crescent Hill area. It would be many more years before the neighborhood blossomed into the he beautiful, lively area we know today.
Why is the Construction Necessary?
The Frankfort Avenue Main Replacement Project is a critical part of Louisville Water’s distribution network. The 1877 main has lived a good life, delivering water for 144 years. New, larger mains will provide additional supply lines and more flexibility to move and reroute water to customers when and where it’s needed. The Crescent Hill Water Treatment Plant is the largest water treatment plant in Kentucky and produces most of the drinking water for Louisville Water customers (The B.E. Payne Water Treatment plant is the company’s other facility.) Infrastructure investments like these, in and around Frankfort Avenue, ensure the continued delivery of safe, reliable, high-quality water to nearly one million people every day.
Community Involvement
Community engagement is important. This is a large project and the immediate neighbors and those who travel along Frankfort Avenue will be kept up-to-date through mailings, social media, emails, media briefings, and virtual/face-to-face meetings.
Project Engineer: Andy Williams, awilliams@lwcky.com, (502) 569-3600, ext. 2219
Government Affairs: Vince Guenthner, vguenthner@lwcky.com, (502) 569-3600, ext. 2107