In 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected the 16th president of the United States. French painter Édouard Manet earned early success with his work “The Spanish Singer.” German chemists Robert Bunsen and Gustav Kirchhoff used their recently invented spectroscope to discover new elements. Baseball became popular in New York and Boston, and the first recorded game was played in San Francisco.
Right here in 1860, Louisville Water Company began operations with 512 customers. We soon became known for innovations in water science and for our commitment to providing pure, great-tasting water. Today, nearly one million people receive this water through 4,200 miles of mains. Louisville Water is still known for innovation and for low rates and great value.
Friday, October 16, will officially mark our 160th anniversary. We will celebrate it not only through social media and an event at Louisville Water Tower Park on Sun., Oct. 18 (that you can attend) but also on our website, where we’ve created a special section that looks at our history, water quality, and customer service — as well as some fun facts.