Employee Profile: Allen Banet, Lead Operator

Worked at Louisville Water since 2017

Employee profile Allen BanetWhen Allen Banet started learning what it meant to be a lead operator at one of Louisville Water’s treatment plants, he knew he was on the right track.

“I liked the challenge of it. It was new, understanding the importance of it,” Banet said.

As a lead operator apprentice, he said he was fortunate to work under skilled operators, three of whom later retired. Upon their retirement, Banet is now sitting in the chair as a lead operator himself.

“I come up with a hydraulic plan- basically what we’ve got coming in versus what we’ve got going out. It’s like a balancing act. It involves more math than you might realize.”

Banet is constantly scanning charts, graphs, and tanks; looking at internal pumps, pumping stations, and master water meters. He’s not only monitoring the current situation but he’s also looking at the bigger picture to help his leaders manage the supply and demand.

Employee profile Allen Benet

“We’re looking at trends. We’re looking at the weather. We’re looking at what it did last week and using that as a guide,” Banet explained, adding that customers typically use more water when it’s hotter and drier.

The lead operators also work closely with Louisville Water’s water quality team.

“We talk back and forth with the lab. (I) Compare my tests, compare their tests, to manage the treatment process.”

Banet’s attention to detail recently alerted dispatchers in Louisville Water’s radio room to a potential problem.

“I checked this system; I saw a dip in it (water pressure). They sent an emergency turner out there and found a water main break.”

Employee profile Allen Benet

Banet keeps the line of communication flowing with our other water treatment plant in Prospect.

“I don’t look at it as just me operating, we look out for each other. We’re both looking at the (distribution) system. Everybody’s got the same goal here- to treat and maintain (high-quality) water.”

He hopes one day he’ll be able to enjoy Louisville Pure Tap® across the river in southern Indiana, where he lives with his wife and four children. Any free time that he has is spent with them.

“Whatever my kids want to do. I enjoy doing what they enjoy. Riding bikes, playing outside; Two girls are in cheerleading, so helping them with that, something I’d never thought I’d do,” Banet said with a chuckle.