A mid-year report of the Louisville Water Foundation’s Customer Assistance Program (CAP) showed that so far this year 608 families received help in paying their water and/or sewer bill, and the average assistance per family was $235.87.
The Foundation provides funding for customer assistance to organizations in the three counties (Bullitt, Jefferson and Oldham) where Louisville Water has retail service. Customer assistance is the largest percentage of allocations from the Foundation. Local agencies distribute the funds in each county to those in need, and any leftover funds get rolled over to the following year.
For Jefferson County residents, the Association of Community Ministries reported that more than $134,000 have been distributed to 552 families with an average of $244.42 assistance per family. More than $80,000 in funds remains for the year.
The Multi-purpose Community Action Agency distributed more than $8,000 to Bullitt County residents. The mid-year summary reported that 55 families were helped with an average $150.75 of assistance per family. More than $4,000 in funds remains for the year.
The Oldham County Red Cross has funds from the Foundation for those who live in Oldham County, and so far, one family has asked for assistance. More than $2,000 in funds remain for the year.
Funding for the Louisville Water Foundation comes from corporate donations from Louisville Water and MSD, businesses, organizations, the public and employees at both Louisville Water and MSD.