Going up

As Louisville Water reported in September, the construction of a new water tower behind the Traditions at Beaumont senior living community has caught the interest of residents. On Nov. 5, many of them came outside or watched through their windows as the bowl of the tower was raised into place.

The height of the bowl is 46 feet. Its diameter is 111 feet, and it soon will hold 3 million gallons of water. Replacing a standpipe on the site, the tower will help maintain both pressure and water quality in the area. Construction started last fall, and the new tower is scheduled to go into service in May next year.

The Tradition at Beaumont residents were a little disappointed that the bowl didn’t rise quickly into position. Instead of being hoisted by cranes, it was lifted 10 inches at a time by hydraulic equipment that wasn’t visible to spectators. Still, several residents checked the tower’s progress throughout the day and stopped at a tent Louisville Water had set up to give away water bottles.

Angeleta Hendrickson, Executive Director of Traditions at Beaumont, noted that on the same day, several residents visited Louisville Water Tower to see the historic water tower and visit the WaterWorks Museum. “Residents and staff thought it was so interesting and were glad they attended,” Hendrickson said.

She added that the residents who took the tour are going to discuss it at the next Resident Council meeting to encourage others to go.

According to Johnna Hale, Traditions at Beaumont Activity Director, because many residents have watched the construction behind their community since the project began, they’ve developed sort of a fondness for the new water tower. She noted that during a recent outing to Carrolton, the seniors commented on every tower they saw along they way — saying things like Our water tower is definitely bigger than that one.

“That’s how they talk about it,” Hale said. “They call it our water tower.”