What’s up with that stone circle in Champions Park?
Curious Louisville, a podcast produced by the 89.3 WFPL radio station, answered that question for a listener earlier this month.
Turns out that the 50-foot wide circle has a lot to do with Louisville Water.
The circle is made of stones that were part of a fountain in Water Works Park, which Louisville Water maintained in the 1860s. Curious Louisville offered these
directions for finding the remains of the fountain: “If you go into the dog park today, it’s hard to miss: it’s the site where all the little plastic wading pools are gathered, to help small dogs cool off in the summer.”
WFPL also noted that “sometime this spring, Louisville Water and Metro Parks plan to put a sign at the site, so everyone who comes to the Champions Park dog run will know the history of Water Works Park.”
An article about the stone circle and a link to the podcast are available on the WFPL website at https://wfpl.org/curious-louisville-whats-up-with-that-stone-circle-in-champions-park/.