On a typical day, Plumber Leader’s Assistant Eddie Bousson works at several different job sites throughout Louisville Water’s service area.
“Today, we’re replacing a pressure valve regulator in this Zoneton neighborhood,” Bousson said. “The pressure is entirely too high for this residential area.”
Just like the water pressure that builds up in a valve, Bousson said the pressures of keeping a healthy work-life balance can sometimes cause one’s emotions to bottle up.
“I’m ex-military and I grew up with a lot of people and I know some people who you think are alright, but they’re not alright,” he said. “As men, we’re not the best at communicating and we don’t share our feelings. It can become a lot to deal with.”
June is Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month and Bousson said he wants to make sure that his fellow coworkers know they don’t have to face their problems alone.
“All it takes is for someone to reach out and ask how you’re doing. Men will talk to other men. When you’re working around the same people, you have a camaraderie and you can sense if something’s wrong,” he said. “Just take the time and check on your buddy.”
Bousson said that it is important to have compassion for others, especially if they’re not in the best of spirits.
“Everyone is going through something. A lot of us here in MDO (Maintenance Distribution Operations) are here with each other more than we are with our own families. We can work anywhere from eight to 16 hours a day, five days a week. Depending on your workload, you have your family life going on and then you’re pushed into a long work day. It’s a lot,” he said. “You can tell if something’s off or if someone has something on their mind. Just take the time to talk and ask if someone is okay.”
Bousson said many men deal with anxiety that they don’t talk about.
“Get to know your coworker. Keep an open ear and an open heart, that’s all it takes,” he said. “We’re (at work) so much, we’re practically a family. It’s time we start acting like it.”
Louisville Water Company offers mental health resources for employees through Human Development Company.
Metro Louisville offers several resources to the public. You can access them here.