Service Line Inventory

Louisville Water has compiled information on the water service lines we installed plus details for the lines on customer properties. Our research included reviewing our records that date back to 1860, looking at publicly available information on construction for customer’s property, and using a predictive modeling tool.

The service line inventory is in a lookup tool. Use your account number to check what we have for your address. If you see unknown, lead, or galvanized, then we need to hear from you. In fact, these customers have already received a postcard.

Did you receive one of these? Click on the card you received to learn more.

Demo Image
(You have a known galvanized steel line that needs to be replaced.)
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(The material of your service line is unknown and we need to identify it.)
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(You have a known lead line that needs to be replaced.)

1950 is an important date.

Based on our research, Louisville Water has not seen a lead service line on properties that were built during or after 1950. If your home was built in 1950 or later, chances are you do not have a lead service line.