Jay Ferguson, Louisville Water Museum Education Specialist, recently discovered a photo of a company bowling team from the 1970s.
Through Louisville Water’s employee newsletter, Ferguson asked if anyone could help identify the happy bowlers.
He received several replies and found out that the bowlers are, from left to right, Eddie Haines (worked at Louisville Water 1971 – 2003), Charles O. “Neal” Cash (1963 – 1990), Jimmy Stinson (1966 – 1990), Ronnie White (1972 – 1999); and Dave Chervenak (1972 – 2003).
Chervenak provided a good overview of the team (which has been lightly edited for length):
Jimmy was team captain. He put the team together, and I was asked to join when another player dropped out. One of the reasons we won the league that year was my handicap! I was a lousy bowler — or certainly not as accomplished as the others who, I recall, all had averages in the 160s to 170s. I believe mine was in the 120s!
We were all laborers at the Allmond Avenue Distribution Center at that time, except Cash. He was a heavy equipment operator and retired as a crew leader on the hydrant repair/replacement truck. Eddie Haines retired as a ‘commercial turner’ or possibly an emergency turner after a long career as a meter reader. Ronnie White retired as a commercial turner after a career as a meter reader, like Eddie.
I retired as process owner of Distribution Maintenance after working my way up from laborer through all the construction area jobs, such as meter exchanger, repair leader, helper, heavy equipment operator, crew leader, and emergency turner.
BTW, we all got our hair cut eventually, except for Neal. His stayed about the same. You gotta remember — it was the early 70s!