Do We Have the Best Water? Of Course!

Is Louisville’s drinking water really the best?

Louisville Water lab tech interviewWLKY’s Caray Grace posed this question to Louisville Water Scientist Casey LaFollette last week for an “Ask Caray” segment that is scheduled to air on the TV station’s newscast this evening.

The segment provides answers to viewers’ questions about the Louisville area. Previous questions include “What’s the history of the Colgate clock?” “What’s the brick facade at the end of Frankfort Avenue?” and “Did the high-five originate in Louisville?”

Louisville Water lab tech tasting waterLaFollette’s answer to the question about our drinking water is a resounding YES! The segment also looks at the science of water treatment and our continuing commitment to taste and quality.

LaFollette has been with Louisville Water for a little more than a year, but she grew up in Louisville, earned a degree from UofL’s J.B. Speed School of Engineering, and is already a great brand ambassador for Louisville Pure Tap®.

At this writing, her WLKY segment is not yet posted on the Ask Caray webpage but may be available soon.