“I want to be a teacher.”
“I want to be in the NBA.”
Career Day at Semple Elementary brought excited pleas from fifth graders on their dreams for the future.
Also inside those classrooms, students who hope one day they’ll grow up to be police officers, firefighters, veterinarians, truck drivers, and engineers.
Semple Elementary teachers invited guest speakers from all over the community for its Career Day in February, including Louisville Water’s very own Community Relations Specialist, Barbara Crow.
Crow was quick to point out how water is connected to so many things we do or use all the time. Water makes paper which makes books that teachers and students use daily. Veterinarians use water to wash their hands before surgeries and after caring for animals. Firefighters? Well, we all know the answer to that one!
After watching a short video about Louisville Water, Crow told the students that no matter what career path they take, they’ll need water. We can’t have a thriving community with jobs, restaurants, and shops without a clean water source.
Circling back to that NBA-hopeful, Crow asked him if he thought basketball players needed water.
“Yes! I’ll have to stay healthy!” he replied.
And we’re counting on that possible engineer to stay the course.
Crow told him, “You’re in luck, because Louisville Water needs several types of engineers- civil, chemical, environmental, and mechanical.”
Who knows, he might end up ‘drinking the water’ and stay for 35 years just like Crow!
Each student received a Louisville Water pencil, bookmark, and Tapper tattoo.