What’s Old is Almost New Again…

It’s been in the works for a while and last Saturday, the Executive Union Management Alliance Council (EUMAC) got to work. Literally.

“The idea was to give back to the community. Driving by the park, I think Adam (Carter, Local 1683 President) noticed it.

The people at Allmond pass this park daily. It’s something we see. It was a smaller park, something we could try for the first time and be successful,” said Stephen Nalley, Plant Maintenance Mechanic.

EUMAC connected with Louisville Metro Parks to organize a cleanup day at Louis Ben Israel Park. The park on South First Street is just a few blocks away from Allmond Avenue Distribution Center.

Saturday morning’s weather was nearly perfect for the team to knock out projects to spruce up the area. Armed with rakes, sandpaper, saws, paintbrushes, and trashbags, they tackled several tasks.

“We cleaned up a little bit to try to make the park look better. We cut some branches down, sanded and painted a picnic table, we cleaned some weeds from the playground, sanded the playground down so the kids won’t get hurt, filled in holes (in the ground),” Metering Specialist Clarence Collins said.

In a matter of hours, the playground looked and felt refreshed. The team paved the way for Metro Parks to make future repairs, including fencing and painting the slide area when it’s warmer.

EUMAC plans to continue more projects like this in the future to foster team building and to give back to our community.