Pure Tap + Pups = Pure 5k Fun

Pure Tap 5k - 2024

Louisville Pure Tap®, pups, and perfect temperatures was a great way for the Pure Tap 5k to return to Louisville Water Tower on Saturday.

The race began and ended at the newly restored Tower, the same place where Louisville’s award-winning drinking water begins. The Pure Tap 5k kicked off the four-race series in the inaugural Mayorthon.

Pure Tap 5k - 2024For the first time ever, the race sold out. Among the 750 registrants were several Louisville Water employees and retirees.

“It’s my first 5-anything, any type of walk,” said Metering Services Support Specialist Crystal DeHaven. “I have been working on fitness and trying to do more, move more, so that is why I decided to (participate) and I heard that it’s a flat plain.”

Right alongside DeHaven was Metering Services Field Specialist Carrie Pernini. The two are walking partners at work.

“We do it on our lunch break every day, usually two or three miles,” DeHaven shared.

Pernini brought her pup, Woodford or “Woody”, along for their fitness challenge.

“I ran it (Pure Tap 5k) the first year they did it when we used to have run straight up Zorn (Avenue) and that was difficult. This year, when I found out we would be walking a flat plain, I thought ‘yeah, I can do this’.”

Pure Tap 5k - 2024

And they did! Congratulations to all the Pure Tap 5k participants – both humans and their four-legged friends.

  • David Grieshaber finished the course in 15:48, making him the male overall winner.
  • The female overall winner was Maria Galvin who ran the race in 18:42.
  • Louisville Water Project Engineer Dakotah DeRoche earned the top spot in her age category.
  • Louisville Water Production Engineering Supervisor John Terry placed third in his age category.

Pure Tap 5k - 2024Every runner received a special medal while the dogs sported new bandanas and lapped up Pure Tap. Dog registration fees and donations raised more than $2,500 for Friends of Metro Animal Services.

We wish you good luck with your next race and we look forward to seeing you at the 2025 Pure Tap 5k!