“This year for Christmas, we encourage you to help keep Santa hydrated! Of course, he loves milk with his cookies… but when he is in Louisville, Santa prefers a nice big glass of that good ol’ Pure Tap™.
He has quite the journey ahead of him and a refreshing glass of water will keep him fueled through the night. And while you’re at it, you should stay hydrated too! Here are a few tips to keep in mind:
- Some people are less thirsty in cold weather, so they drink less water. But just because you aren’t thirsty, doesn’t mean that you’re hydrated.
- Layer your clothing. Wear layers of breathable fabrics instead of heavy-duty woolens to minimize water loss caused by perspiration.
- Don’t use sweat as an indicator of dehydration because people sweat less in cold weather.
- Drink water and replenish fluids, especially after or during physical activity.
- Consider setting a timer that reminds you to drink Pure Tap™ throughout the day or set a schedule for when you grab a glass, like with meals or on the hour.
P.S. Rudolph might like a bowl of water too! We’re just saying.