Teaming up with local colleges for handwashing lessons

December 1-7 is National Handwashing Awareness Week

Louisville Water is going back to school! Well, kind of — they teamed up with Bellarmine and Spalding University nursing students to teach elementary school children the proper way to wash their hands. It is more important than ever to wash hands properly to prevent the spread of germs.

Louisville Water trained Bellarmine and Spalding nursing students on Louisville Water’s Clean Hands Up! Program. The company provided the supply kits to use in the classroom and helped create the schedule for the nursing students of where and when to visit the schools.

In the lesson, students put “pretend” germs (a mixture of hand lotion and fluorescent paint) on their hands and then practice their handwashing skills. Under the glow of a black light, they find out just how well they did and where they need work. If they miss spots between their fingers or around their nails, the “pretend” germs will glow bright green. Students also learn how germs spread, where they hide, and how to properly block them when they cough or sneeze.

The nursing students visit kindergarten to second grade classrooms in both Jefferson County Public Schools and the Archdiocese of Louisville. Lessons began in October and will conclude in December, reaching about 3,500 students.

Louisville Water’s partnership with the universities began eight years ago, but programming in 2020 was canceled due to the pandemic. Instead, Louisville Water created online lessons and videos for teachers.

For more information on the handwashing program or other free education programs offered by Louisville Water, email